Clayton Rugby Football Club is holding a community event at the park in conjunction with UNC Health on Saturday April 29th. UNC Health is going to have their bus on site doing free health screenings and RFC is going to be running some intro to rugby sessions for kids and adults. Clayton Rugby Football Club also has some upcoming events at the park throughout the summer. Their spring youth program is going to start practices May 6th and run through mid-June. Their sessions are Sunday afternoons from 4:00pm-5:30pm. They are going to do most of their sessions at the park. Full schedule is soon to...
The 2025 Johnston County reappraisal process is currently underway. North Carolina General Statute 105-286 requires all counties to reappraise property at least once every eight years. The purpose of the reappraisal is to ensure property values accurately reflect market value and equitably spread the property tax burden among all property owners. The last Johnston County reappraisal was conducted in 2019 and all real property tax values reflect the market values as of January 1, 2019. When complete, property values will reflect the January 1, 2025 market value. Beginning this week, Pearson’s...