Our Police Department has a vacancy for a full-time police officer available. Hiring salary range is $41,392 - 50,499 depending upon experience and certification. Benefits Full health, dental & vision coverage Take home car program Equipment & uniforms provided 12 paid holidays 10 paid vacation & 10 paid sick days per year 401k + 5% Town contribution Become part of our vibrant & growing community Minimum Qualifications 21 years of age High school diploma / GED Valid NC driver's license BLET Certification Please fill out the application and information below and submit to mpeedin@wilsonsmillsnc...

Residents of Wilson’s Mills – whether you live in Town or in the ETJ – we have a position for you! The Town’s Board of Adjustment is looking to fill a few vacant seats! This board meets on an ‘as needed’ basis. As the Town grows, you may be needed once or twice a year. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to become a part of the Town and know that you helped in our future and the future of Johnston County? We look forward to having new faces, hearing current thoughts, and doing what is best for the Town of Wilson’s Mills. If you think this is for you, complete the application and once it is completed, you...